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Welcome to the Revolution Learnership Programme Application

Welcome to the Revolution Learnership Programme Application. This is an exciting opportunity for individuals who are looking to gain valuable work experience and enhance their skills in a dynamic and innovative environment.

Before you proceed with the application, please ensure that you have the following documents ready:

  1. Your Recent Updated CV: Your curriculum vitae is a critical component of your application, as it showcases your academic and professional background, as well as your skills and achievements. Make sure that your CV is up-to-date and accurately reflects your current qualifications and experiences.
  2. A Recent Certified True Copy of your ID Document: Providing a certified true copy of your ID document, which is not older than 2 months, is a mandatory requirement for this application. Please note that we do not accept phone pictures of your ID; instead, you must submit a properly scanned copy.
  3. A Recent Certified True Copy of your Matric Certificate and Highest Qualification: Along with your ID document, you are required to submit certified true copies of your matric certificate and any other highest qualifications you have obtained. These documents must also be no older than 2 months.
  4. Affidavit Confirming Non-Enrollment in MICT SETA or Any SETA-Funded Programme: To ensure that you are eligible for this learnership programme, you must provide an affidavit confirming that you are not currently enrolled in any MICT SETA or other SETA-funded programme. This is a crucial requirement to avoid any conflicts or duplications in funding.

Please note that the application process may take some time, as we carefully review each submission to ensure that all the required documents are provided and that the applicants meet the necessary criteria. We encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible to increase your chances of being considered for this exciting opportunity.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team. We are here to support you throughout the application process and ensure a smooth and rewarding experience.

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